Saturday, July 14, 2007

It's been a while huh?

Ok so my blog has been neglected for a while. But guess what!? I got a job!! Hopefully this will help keep me busy (and mentally occupied) while my Sexy Sailor is gone. I'm really enjoying it so far but it leaves me exhausted at the end of the day. Which means, my knitting time has taken a big hit. Despite the decline in knit time I have a few FOs for you. Some have been finished for a while but I just haven't gotten around to posting about them.

First up. The finished Menehune Cobblestones socks for my mom. The yarn is the fabulous
Yarn Pirate in the Rain colorway.

OH! Speaking of Yarn Pirate I signed up for the booty club!! This is my very first club and I am so excited.

These are my Mermaid Matrimony socks. Which I happen to be wearing right now and they are sooooo soft. The pattern is the Gentleman's Matrimony Celebratory socks from Sock Bug. The yarn is Fleece Artist Sea Wool in the Mermaid colorway from The Loopy Ewe. The sock blockers are also from the Loopy Ewe.

Next is a little hat I made for a friend's daughter. I forgot to take a picture after I added the icords but you get the point. The pattern is the top down bonnet from Hello Yarn. The yarn is Mystical Creations (I won't go there right now) in the first kiss colorway.

This doesn't really count as an FO but I thought I'd post a pic anyways.
I'm participating in the LimeNViolet scarf circle over on their message board. Basically everybody get a list of names and addresses of people in the circle. You start off by knitting 6 inches of a scarf for yourself and then send if off to the next person on your list. Each time you receive someone's scarf you add 6 inches. So by the time your scarf makes it through the list you have a finished scarf from all around the world. Aren't knitters wonderful people? :) So anyways here's the scarf I just added to. The picture isn't the best but I think the concept is so cool (does anybody say cool any more?) that I had to post about it.

Finally a couple things from my pottery class. Not my favorite piece but it took so much time that I'm hoping I'll warm up to it. The glaze around the outside was supposed to be green. So much for that. :) Oh, it's supposed to be a vase in case you were wondering.

Last but not least is my lantern. That I have yet to use. :) It's just sitting on my tansu begging for a candle to be put inside. One of these days I should do that. Oh yeah, in case you were wondering about that castle I was working on. It has been glazed and fired but the colors were horrible. Even my sensei didn't like it. So why all the glaze color issues? We have like 5 colors to choose from because the order for new glaze was on back order. So sensei told me I could re-glaze it when the new colors come in. I hope it works or I will be so disappointed.

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